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When A Stranger Comes Home

I had had a terrible week. It was one of those long spells of bad luck, as my dearly departed mother used to say. Nothing seemed to go right. Everything I tried went terribly wrong. The lousy weather waited for me to go out to start pouring. The trams were delayed. The food in my fridge would rot faster than usual. Everything was a fucking mess. And there was nothing I could do. All I could do was wait until the spell of shit would break and disappear. I was going home after work. Of course, I would miss the tram home and would have to wait for an extra set of 15 minutes in the rain. At least the fog made all the scenery more interesting. I was one who would try to look at the positive side of things, no matter how crappy things were, I would always find something to smile at and about. My phone lit with notifications coming. My bank account had rejected my Amazon payments. Spotify had also been rejected. I couldn't listen to music while going home. Fuck!, This is too much! I thoug
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